jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

Me. Myself and I ?

For me is very strange when I have to talk about the relationship among people and how educated they are. Why? Because, sometimes they want to know everything about you and other times they don’t care about anything from you. There are people who are extremely interfering and sometimes other kind of people who are only interested in their own life and their own goods. Most times, they don’t pay attention in what is going on outside their own world. Are these educational actions?

In my opinion, there is not a congruency between one and other. People do not know how to balance their own life and someone else’s life. Nowadays, with a world which is running without time to take a break is very difficult taking time to share each other. Even though, we want to. But, this fast type of life, that we are forced to live, doesn’t let us take more time in our interests.

If you enjoy reading, you are forced to spend lot of money to do it, because there are not good and cheap bookstores. If we see how the headlines of the newspapers are, easily we can see that everything is relating with banal issues. As Jane Jacobs says in her article “The death and life of great American cities” “Cultural centers that are unable to support a good bookstore” Thus, If our cities are not working with us our mission is extremely important. Our work inside the classroom is one of the most important instance to promote education and others values such as, collaborative work, tolerance, respect and integration. Our students must know we are not alone in this world. Luxury, money and goods couldn’t be our reason to live. Trying to be a better person, being in calm with ourselves and helping when you can do that are the values which I want to transmit.

domingo, 5 de abril de 2009

Discipline: It's not so easy

Thinking about classroom control management is hard work for unexpierenced teachers. Every situation is different and depends on the context. Thus, having one version about how to control our classroom is imposible.
However, there are several techniques about this term which help us to create and mantein better environments in our classes. “11 techniques for better classroom discipline” gives us examples of these. Most of the examples are completely interesting and I agree with them. But obviously these techniques have to be apply according the context in where you are teaching.
I think that having a possitive discipline is very important because calm calls more calm and noise calls more noise. Therefore be patience, calm and relax when we give classes is a good way to mantein an appropiate environment. Naturally, these techniques are usuful for our job, Hence, is very difficult to me choose one of them which i don’t agree with. I think the most important issue here is knowing othe conext. We must know that we can not apply the same techniques in all schools and grades. Thus, having a better classroom discipline depends also on knowing our classroom.